How to Import WhatsApp Subscribers

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You can upload your base ofsubscriberswho have given you their preliminary consent to send them messages in accordance with theWhatsApp policy和发送他们活动ccording to anapproved templateor work with a contact according to a chatbot script.

Select your WhatsApp chatbot, go to the “Audience” tab, and clickImport.

Сhoose the CSV file with your subscribers’ phone numbers. You can also upload contacts withvariablesto personalize messages.

In the file, each variable should be in a separate column, and each contact must be on a separate line. Columns with the headers "phone" and "name" are required.


After uploading your contacts, you can create campaigns by templates.

After uploading your contacts will be with the "Subscribed userNew" status. Contact statuses will change after you send a campaign:

Subscribed- the contact’s phone number is active for receiving mailings.

Unsubscribed- the contact has unsubscribed from your WhatsApp bot.

Not Connected- The contact's phone number is not connected to WhatsApp and cannot receive messages.

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